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Main Altar


Click each alter images below. A larger image & Explanation will follow.

Main Altar
(Left side of Main Altar)

Click image above to see a larger image of our Oihai.

Explanation will follow.


  • Oihai

  • Ichibu Hachikan

Click below to read. 

Explanations will follow.


Kannon Buddhisattava
(Right side of Main Altar)

Click image above for

Kana-mari Explanation.

Bell  Kana-mari

Click image above to see a larger image of our

Oh-Daiko (Big Drum) for Explanation.

Click image above for

Moku-sho Explanation.

Click image above for

Kei Explanation.

Click image above for

Han-Sho (Temple Bell)


Click image above for

Candle, Incense & Donation Box.

Explanation will follow.

Click image above.
6 Practices to Attain Buddha-hood.


Nichiren Buddhist Kannon Temple Zelle QR Code.jpg

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© 2014 - 2024 by Kannon Temple of Nevada.

Nichiren Buddhist Kannon Temple of Nevada is recognized as a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Religious Foundation

Donate via Zelle

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