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Event Calendar

Please see Bi-Monthly Event section in the Newsletter, “RADIANCE” for specific times and dates.
Explanations of Events follow this Calendar.


Annual Events

  • January: New Year’s Day Celebration Kito Blessing

  • February: Setsubun (Lunar New Year)

  • February: Buddha’s Pari-Nirvana and Birthday Celebration for Nichiren Shonin

  • March: Spring Ohigan Memorial Service (Spring Equinox)

  • April: Hanamatsuri, Buddha Sakyamuni’s Birthday Celebration

  • April: Rikkyo Kaishu-e (Founding Day)

  • May: Izu Exile (Persecution Day)

  • July: Obon Memorial Service for All Deceased

  • August: Matsubagayatsu (Persecution Day)

  • September: Tatsunokuchi (Persecution Day) 

  • September: Autumn Ohigan Memorial Service (Autumn Equinox)

  • October: Oeshiki Service (Appreciation for the Founder Nichiren Shonin)

  • November: Komatsubara (Persecution Day)

  • December: Jodo-e (Buddha Sakyamuni’s Enlightenment Day Celebration)

  • December: New Year’s Eve Celebration and Tolling of the Bell


  • Every 60th Day Deity Daikoku’s Blessing

  • Publication Newsletter, “RADIANCE” (1ST Day of the odd month)



  • Individual Choice Study Class on Buddhism in English

  • 1st Sunday Monthly Kito Blesssing in English and Japanese

  • 2nd Sunday English and Japanese Combined Service

  • 3rd Sunday English and Japanese Combined Service

  • 4th Sunday Shodaigyo (Chanting and Meditation in English)

  (Subject to change. See Newsletter for complete details.)


Morning Service

  • By appointment only

Evening Service

  • Flexible depending on the priest’s daily schedule

Home Page

  • Morning Chanting (Everyone Welcome) - Daily chanting of the Lotus Sutra, Odaimoku (sacred title of the Lotus Sutra) and prayers.

  • Monthly Kito Blessing Service - A special kind of blessing within Nichiren Shu called Kito is performed by a priest who has completed the One Hundred Day Aragyo or Ascetic Practices.

  • Shodaigyo (Chanting & Silent Meditation) - Shodaigyo is a form of meditation which incorporates silent and chanting meditation.

  • Deity Daikoku Blessing - Daikoku is the deity of prosperity. Read more about Daikoku by 

  • Holiday Service - New Years; Setsubun; Buddha's Pari-Nirvana Day; Nichiren Shonin's Birthday; Ohigan (spring and fall) Memorial Service; Buddha's Birthday; Rikkyo Kaishu-e (Founding Day); Obon Memorial Service; Oeshiki; Jodo-e; Nichiren Shonin's Persecution days (Matsubagayatsu; Izu; Komatsubara, Tatsunokuchi)

  • Study Class - Study of basic Buddhism, the Lotus Sutra, and Nichiren Shonin's guidance.

For more information on services, please see the current Newsletter “RADIANCE”, call

(702) 866-5956 or email Rev. Shoda Kanai:

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© 2014 - 2024 by Kannon Temple of Nevada.

Nichiren Buddhist Kannon Temple of Nevada is recognized as a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Religious Foundation

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