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New Building Fund Campaign

Building a Spiritual Temple in Las Vegas within the next Five Years

April 8, 2017


In the Year 2021, Nichiren Shu will be celebrating the 800th Birthday for St. Nichiren. There are many commemorations and dedications planned around the world to lead up to this momentous event. In conjunction, Kannon Temple of Nevada plans to build a new temple for our Sangha to grow and flourish in Las Vegas by 2022. Our temple is a spiritual place for “Peace of Body, Mind and Spirit”. A place where people are welcome to further their Buddhist practice.


In previous RADIANCE issues, we have mentioned the Building Fund and have made great strides in accumulating nearly $100,000 in donations. For this new project, our goal is to raise an additional $3 million within the next five years. The plan is to hopefully find a new location in three years, design and then build in year four and five. The closer we can get to this total, will reduce the amount we would have to borrow from outside financial resources. To reach this Building Fund Campaign goal in five years, we hope that every Sangha family and supporters will be able to donate and/or make a yearly pledge.


Our dream is to build a new temple that could seat 100 practitioners in the main hall. Besides the basic rooms for priest residence, office, kitchen and meeting rooms, we are thinking of adding an ossuary, water purification area and lodging rooms for visitors who wish to practice day and night.


We hope that you will be able to support us in this Building Campaign effort. Your name will be written with sumi ink on a plaque and kept at the building honoring your donation. Please use the donation form below with your prayers so Reverends Shoda & Shokai Kanai can read them for 100 days during morning service. Shakyo practice of tracing the Lotus Sutra is still available and can be found in the link below.


We are excited for this expansion as we approach St. Nichiren’s 800th Birthday. With your support, we can continue in creating a place where everyone from around the world is welcome to visit when coming to Las Vegas.


We thank you for your past, present and future generosity!


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Nichiren Buddhist Kannon Temple of Nevada is recognized as a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Religious Foundation

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